Category: Books

  • Books, Books, Books

    I have finally given in to temptation and got myself a readers ticket at St. Deiniol’s Library partly due to the lack of facilities from the Chester branch of SPCK / SSG or whatever it is now, (See Dave’s archives for a blow by blow account of the history) and partly due to not being…

  • Secularism

    Now that I have finished reading this book, A Short History Secularism, (price slashed by a third – get it while it's hot!) I can comment on it. Graeme came along to the St. Asaph Theological soc to speak on his topic. I should be trying to find reasons not to like this book and…

  • Harry Potter

    Oh no, not him again… … you might say, However, Whilst speaking about death to some students – nice lively topic, I decided to use the last book in the ‘far too popular for its own good’ series of HP. It seems that Dumbledore had a point. (or rather JK Rowling stumbled onto a point)…

  • Books

    I guess I failed miserably in today's task, not one book was moved from the bookshelf, although I can actually get to the bookcase now.  Anyway to celebrate I ordered a few choice numbers from the late John O'Donohue, Benedictus: A Book of Blessings and Anam Cara: Spiritual wisdom.  What inspired the choice was simply…

  • Sheep and shepherd

    Finally the day before the next edition comes out, I read the paper!!  (C.T.) Fascinating that such images, sheep and shepherd should feature on early Christian art.  Well not really, if you read the article, it almost suggests it would be strnage if these images did not exist. Prof. Spier suggests that the passage, 'The…

  • The Crimes

    I was half expecting the Crimes  (Church Times) to fall through the letter box this morning, however, the 'Dave Walker Guide to Church' seems to have replaced it.  The paper will begin next week rather than this, I did wonder what they were saying sending this freebie out first, as if I was not ready…

  • Advent Carol Service

    This was a bit last minute, but it seemed to work. It is a bit rough, but suited the people! I used the Angel / Joseph dialogue from 'Candles and Conifers' before it… It was a long hard road to Bethlehem,We had been this way beforeThe hard and rocky groundOur feet were really sore. We…

  • Janey Lee Grace

    Now this really is  a fantastic site, seems at first glace to be mainly for women, but don't be put off (men) there are gems out there for us as well.  The book had come home from the library, courtesy of the other half, (there are parts to this that are really not for men,…

  • Bread

    It’s that library again … No not dodgy books suggested by daytime TV, but an excellent guide to bread making called ‘Bread Matters’ by Andrew Whitley. Not only are there tons of great recipies; I can vouch for about 4 of them so far!!!! but also the difinitive reasons not to buy shop bread, even…

  • Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

    Now, I don't think I would have even picked up this book if I had noticed the label announcing its credentials as being one of Richard and Judy's choices for summer reading, but if I had passed it over I would have missed out on something rather quaint.It is not an enthralling read, to be…