Category: Church

  • Moving…

    It’s finally official!!! I will be moving to be vicar of the Parish of Llanasa and Ffynnongroyw sometime in February

  • lazy sunday afternoon

    If only we had a ramp, then I could have driven to the pulpit…

  • silence & news

    i realised this morning it has been about 1 month since i last posted something here… Since i am sat waiting for a new tyre for my m/bike there was no excuse! News- we have finally gathered the cash together to transform the church in greenfield into a great community space. Mainly thanks to the…

  • New Bishop

    As we enthrone our new Bishop Gregory on the Feast of St. Mark, I wonder what the marks of his ministry will be?  Brevity?  Telling an unfinished Story?  Or perhaps as the Gospel of Mark begins, ‘The beginning of the Good News…’  You might find some photo’s on the diocese website, and if you are…

  • A rare day out

    I had the chance to be away from the pulpit today and grabbed it with both hands, well, grabbed the bike and rode before anyone could stop me!!  I was confronted by the usual low-sunday features, small congregation, (no hope of hiding then) quite reflective service, the Gospel was of course about Thomas who I…

  • Maundy Thursday

    We met with the young people, walked, talked awhile, then shared some food. Not too dissimilar to that last Passover of Jesus, so I wrote this in the style of John Bell and Graham Maule Eh, Jesus?

  • A Chimp and the Vatican

    Sorry, but how are these related exactly… A chimp showing evidence of pre-meditated thought and statements from the Vatican. I would have found it funnier had not the statements from the vatican been quite so serious… See Ruth Gledhill, Times Online the small box ‘related links’

  • Legacy of shame?

    To be honest, my words were a little stronger than the title here this afternoon, however after mulling things over / steaming / ranting, it became obvious that the object of my frustration could not be truthfully a generalisation – therefore the following comments are (I would dearly wish to hope, but will probably be…

  • Hands on the rail (Part two)

    I promised myself, see original post after hearing a priest talk about the hands that are open the communion rail, that I would reflect on this whilst distributing the sacrament. I did this a few weeks ago and was quite surprised by the results.  Not that I should have been really… It only really works…

  • Arrivals

    Just in time, I have almost finished clearing the study of clutter, when what pops through the door but two large packages, one an unexpected gift – an Epiphany present – thanks John, how did you know I had been meaning to get one of those for a while?? And two, the collected works of…