Category: Monthly Pic

  • January

    I was greeted in the street this morning by an interesting weather report, ‘The seagulls are flying inland, low over the houses and the Barometer is set for change.’  I didn’t inquire as to whether the pressure was rising or falling! Perhaps ‘set for change’ is an apt description of the climate at the beginning…

  • December

    Avoiding the obvious this month of course, a new book on the shelf, Jerry Doherty on ‘A celtic model of ministry’ might be useful in the new parish when things get going – on that note we are slowly ‘house organising’  I’m certainly looking forward to the apples from the garden, it has a lovely…

  • November

    Nos Calan Gaeaf (the night before the first day of winter) was followed by a truly winterous bluster, which has abated somewhat for all souls.  We seem to spend the beginning of this month remembering the dead.  However I shall be at St. Deiniol’s Library learning all about parish monasticism with Ray Simpson, trying to…

  • October

    I’m kind of intending to use this as a monthly section, perhaps an overview of what is coming in the month, or what I’m reading / listening to, up to etc…  EDIT:: (I’m updating the layout etc)