Category: St Mike’s

  • Heb Gwallt

    It’s gone… Not missing it yet, although I have gone to move my hair a few times only to be met with a furry lump!! Thanks for the tip John, it is really cold round the edges outside, I have a nice warm hat on standby !

  • Hair today…

    Gone on Friday!! I spent yesterday (the parts that I wasn’t roofing a barn or wiring a childrens play area or welding) trying to convince the others at Amelia Farm that they really shouldn’t cut my hair with either the lawnmower, a pair of loppers, or a wood saw. In the end, the photo for…

  • Clean Shaved

    There comes a time in a man’s life when he questions the future of his hair’s existence, (i.e. he is starting to thin) Of course his wife, not having the same problem is overjoyed by the idea of transformation from long haired hippy to bald coot. So started the idea of removing it and getting…

  • It’s Official!

    Finally I can say that I will, all being well, be ordained on the 30th of June not May!! (thanks John!) at St. Asaph Cathedral and licensed to serve my title as curate in the Parish of Holywell.

  • still struggling

    The Anglican Primates announced yesterday that there should be no more ordinations of gay Bishops and that the blessing of same sex relationships should not happen. How are we to proceed in honesty and integrity with such a pronouncement. The decision buys the Anglican communion time together to discern a way forward. Yet how are…

  • Valentines

    We shared a truly odd service last night. It was Valentines day. St. Valentine the (probably) most well known saint, yet to celebrate it in the context of the Eucharist was strange. I’m not sure why though, there were no pagan overtones, nothing to suggest a ritual sacrifice on the altar, but still, the images…

  • Prayer

    This is it now for me. I have always struggled with it, never seen the point, never been any good at it, whatever it is supposed to be. The nearest I had got before the song lyrics that follow was Scissor Sisters Comfortably Numb. I’ll let you look up the lyrics for that. There are…

  • Snow – The Gift of a Day

    As the single flake fell, the newscasters and weather reporters gasped and reached for their cameras to record the moment the first ever flake of snow fell on Britain – Because it never snows here does it? Well only every year. Once a year, pretty much give or take we get one good snow fall.…

  • Itchy feet

    No, not athletes foot… We all went off to North Wales last week to see a possible place for a title parish. I had already visited the vicar to see if it would be possible, but this was a longer visit with time to reflect on the town. A small place, much like Caernarfon, a…

  • Cantemus

    Cantemus is a chamber choir, they are based in Wales and sang in the college chapel at the end of term. The music they produced was fantastic, it really touched the soul. Something about unaccompanied voices is so enchanting it grips the imagination and forces you out of yourself. This was especially evident in one…