
We shared a truly odd service last night.
It was Valentines day. St. Valentine the (probably) most well known saint, yet to celebrate it in the context of the Eucharist was strange.
I’m not sure why though, there were no pagan overtones, nothing to suggest a ritual sacrifice on the altar, but still, the images that were projected of hearts, roses and embracing couples was discordant with the nature of Eucharist.

It is probably just me, I have been reading and studying about Eucharistic celebrations both for college and a week on Iona I am involved with, so to focus on this in that context I guess was a bit strange.

It is a shared experience of the outpouring of Grace, for me at least, echoed in the blessing and sharing of the sacrament. I am still puzzled and have yet to link this agape, the love of God, with what is more traditionally associated with Eros, the love of desire. I am reminded of a sermon I gave two years ago to students on Iona.
You should have been able to read it here, maybe I will post it tomorrow!!

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~






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