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Category: Iona
In the post
These arrived in the post this morning, the CD is in my ears as I write, the cards have reminded me to put up my wall, all the cards, notes and interesting quotes that once adorned the old study, I’ll be doing that later and probably still be listening! Thanks K 😉 [ You’ve also…
Back to Egypt
I’m sure most organisations suffer from this syndrome, it’s something which seems to effect everyone from time to time, ‘nothing must change’, ‘it was far better before’, the so called ‘Back to Egypt Brigade’ have been in full force recently. I caught the beginning of John Bell speaking at Greenbelt and reminded me of this…
I will be walking everywhere for a few weeks to make up for the carbon cost of my flying visit to the Catalyst event at Carmarthen at the weekend. I had been invited to lead a workshop on Iona Worship, which turned into (thankfully) a worship session. Helped by Craig, Meredith and Louise, the session…
Student’s week on Iona
It seems like a year ago at the moment, but it really was only a month ago that I was (yet again) on Iona leading student week. Being the week which included the 200th anniversary of the successful abolition of Slavery act of parliament we were looking at forms of slavery that continue. Especially slavery…
We shared a truly odd service last night. It was Valentines day. St. Valentine the (probably) most well known saint, yet to celebrate it in the context of the Eucharist was strange. I’m not sure why though, there were no pagan overtones, nothing to suggest a ritual sacrifice on the altar, but still, the images…
A Thin Place
While shopping and walking, listening to some music I got this Christmas, (thanks Kathryn!!) I was kind of struck by how much many people I know regard Iona as a thin place, a place where the separation between Heaven and Earth is 'thin'. Why it struck me was because while walking and listening to beautiful…
Last Saturday
The majority of last Saturday was spent on the train, that is quite impressive actually, if you realise that I only went to Aberystwyth for the day! The 4 & 1/2 hour journey was livened by the charismatic, camp, eccentric guard on the train from Shrewsbury to Aber. Whilst announcing stations we got small anecdotes…
These things never come out as well as they did when they were first articulated. During a session on worship we were discussing ritual action. I remember once being confronted by the thought that if I could not face, let alone share the peace with one of the other congregants, then as the biblical passage…
A week in the wilds
There is nothing like a week in the wilds of Scotland with a crazy bunch of people who you only meet once in a while to soothe the soul! Having just returned from community week on Iona, I am still in that place between, not yet fully in touch with the ground, but not still…
I shared a meal last night. Two in fact. Firstly the Eucharist, then something more substantial (for the stomach at least!) But it wasn’t the food, although it was good, and it wasn’t the wine, although it was also very good. Spending time in the company of broken people searching to be whole is a…