Extreme Pilgrim

I’ve just finished watching Extreme Pilgrim on the new BBCi player, v.useful!! Well, I thought I had better watch the program since I preached about it in the context of epiphany!!

Revd Peter Owen Jones says that Church of England is intellectual, while one of the religions he is visiting is purely physical in its spirituality, its path to God. Well, I would have to say that after a weekend of bricklaying, I rather feel that we can do the physical as well, we just have to be slightly more creative about it. Perhaps laying the foundations of a greenhouse is not quite what he is on about…

I look forward to the next episode on Friday 9pm BBC2

Since writing the above I have realised that I always ‘write’ my sermons whilst doing something, walking, shopping, gardening etc. I guess the physical frees the mind to think clearly.

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~


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