
In sight of Seriol

In sight of Seriol

Enlli, in memory only, as elusive as the silken light  which slips through the clouds of the morning.

On the coffin trail

On the coffin trail

An out of the way place offers a moment to rest on the way though the path is not easy…



He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread. Tearing apart of a loaf, as the crust…

In the garden

In the garden

In the half light shade nor shadow yet distinguished. Expectations come of a dawning; for all in that moment to be well before sleep has properly passed.…


The shadows shine  Darkly behind all they were  An imprint of their lives upon our own Outlines remain yet nothing…

Unfolding the heavens

I can do no more than stand in wonder whilst earth rises to each footfallsilken skies crowned in shades of…

Alban Arthan – Winter Solstice

Cynhelir mewn golau cannwyll Calonogir gan drydar Disgwylir y golau gwawrio Cradled in candlelight Encouraged by birdsong Anticipating the light…

Calan Gaeaf – All Hallows

Cysgir natur, daw’r tywyllwch Rhwng bywydau daearol a dragwyddol Tenau’r fêl gwawn Nature sleeps, the dark comesBetween temporal and eternal worldsThe…

Alban Hefin Summer Solstice

Coda, distewi, synfyfyrio yng nghanol yr haf dros yr olygfa ymlaen ac yn ôl cyn disgynnol Rise up, becalm, contemplateat midsummer the…

Alban Eilir – Spring Equinox

Arhoswch a gwyliwchy gad llonydd daearu troi heibio am orffwys.cymododd trwy farwolaeth aileni Watch and wait the letting goearthed laid out…

Flesh for the Word

The Word became Wisdom and lived among us : but foolishly we missed its simplicity. So the Word became Light…

Just the shoes

Was it you that day? I forgot to ask your name on the steps – you fell backwards, I turned…