Tag: Church

  • the way, was slightly diverted for a time

      I was distracted from writing by an excellent few days, but I did pen this – almost as it was happening. The course material started this train of thought, focusing on who we are… There is a chapel atop a rocky outcrop near St. Beuno’s, the key to which is normally on the hook…

  • Fairtrade for foodies

    We have just set up a fairtrade stall in the church (at last) but for those of us who need no encouragement when it comes to chocolate items, this is rather a big challenge in self denial, so in solidarity with those who don’t want to eat too much chocolate I decided to help them…

  • Women – not yet!!

    Oh dear… what is to come of the church! Will the time ever be right for moving forward I wonder?? a sad and sorry day. BBC Website report

  • It’s built …

    The building is up and we have the keys. All we need now is a fine sunny Sunday and a Bishop! This project began in the minds of the parish about five years ago, some of them really didn’t think it would happen – it is a bit of a first, opening a brand new…

  • power, POWER and more P O W E R

    is what it is all about. I fear Rowan’s comments were made on a day when there was little news! I also wonder why so many are jumping up and down, wanting him to resign, of course it is just another stick with which to bash him. I feel ashamed to belong to such a…

  • the joys…

    Oh the joys of children in church. It’s the schools service today, yehay Time to frighten the little darlings with a mouse, and a story or two!! Then I came across this as I was writing something for Midnight… What’s in a story, what’s in a rhyme? Some words or a phrase? Better ask ……

  • Scary thing, phone calls

    I’ve just had a call about a youthworker placement in our parish. Great, exciting, etc. However I had to remark that there really is very little in the parish for young people. Yes we have a Sunday School, and the older kids go to a group in another parish Sunday afternoons, but if I was…

  • Foundations

    Yesterday was a big one in the life of our church, for two reasons, one: the roof can now go on st. Peter’s, and two: the Bishop came to visit… … and lay a stone at the west door of the new church building. You can see the action shot on the diocese website very…

  • What would you put here? REPLIES!!

    It seems that they were listening… I have four so far and counting. You can see the original sheet here

  • still struggling

    The Anglican Primates announced yesterday that there should be no more ordinations of gay Bishops and that the blessing of same sex relationships should not happen. How are we to proceed in honesty and integrity with such a pronouncement. The decision buys the Anglican communion time together to discern a way forward. Yet how are…