Tag: community

  • Riding the storm named Jesus

    Riding the storm named Jesus

    What is in a name? Abigail, Barney, Clodagh, Desmond, Eva, Frank. These names may not mean anything to you particularly. To me the last does. It was Frank I think who took my greenhouse, though possibly Eva. Frank didn’t take it, it was demolished, flattened, rendered useless. An act of wilful vandalism. One from which…

  • The fourth person of the Trinity?

    The fourth person of the Trinity?

    And so on Trinity Sunday we reflect on the godhead of the Christian faith, alternatively the mathematical impossibilities of three in one and one in three.  That which few understand and fewer share, yet the part which is present in pretty much every liturgy – God: Father, Son and Spirit as if rising from the…

  • December

    Avoiding the obvious this month of course, a new book on the shelf, Jerry Doherty on ‘A celtic model of ministry’ might be useful in the new parish when things get going – on that note we are slowly ‘house organising’  I’m certainly looking forward to the apples from the garden, it has a lovely…

  • Soil, Soul, Society

    I have been working on a paper for about six months, I knew that at some point I would have to write the beginning, but have not as yet until this morning found the right words. Soil, Soul, Society. Alastair McIntosh describes this as the “Tripartite understanding of community” (For those who are concerned about…

  • to recover the celtic

    I have avoided that word for a long time, it has almost become a nothing word to some, speaking of fanciful longings and notions without any depth or heart or soul. ‘Celtic Christianity never really existed’ some say, and to an extent I would agree. The trouble is, it goes deeper than this. “And Celtic…

  • Whose Eyes? – Civic Service

    I was never really sure about the annual Civic Service – that was until this year.  It was – wait for it – actually quite good fun, well the preparation was anyway!! My talk, titled:  ‘Whose Eyes?’

  • silence & news

    i realised this morning it has been about 1 month since i last posted something here… Since i am sat waiting for a new tyre for my m/bike there was no excuse! News- we have finally gathered the cash together to transform the church in greenfield into a great community space. Mainly thanks to the…

  • The Unfinished Story

    About a Boy finally finishes, or not, as the title suggests… My Easter reflections on the final scene of the film.

  • no lightening bolts…

    I was jumped upon to lead a little prayer time and impromptu Eucharist last night,  fortunately I had my phoneand therefore access to this meditation which I used as a prayer of blessing with a few on the spot changes to include the wine.  No lightening bolts as yet – so I’m guessing I’m safe!!

  • Legacy of shame?

    To be honest, my words were a little stronger than the title here this afternoon, however after mulling things over / steaming / ranting, it became obvious that the object of my frustration could not be truthfully a generalisation – therefore the following comments are (I would dearly wish to hope, but will probably be…