
Entering my placement church this morning (a different one from last week) I was greeted at the door by a sly grin and half a wink.

‘Saw you reading our noticeboard’ (actually I was locking my bike to it!)

‘Where are you from then?’

‘St. Mike’s College’

And in the following few minutes was given a whistle stop tour of the people in the church, their families and so on!

By the time I was rescued by the incumbent to run through what we would be doing that week I had been told and forgotten at least 20 names dates and places.

I was pleased actually, to be welcomed so openly (literally) into the arms of the congregation. They are a smallish bunch, but alive with energy and a real family atmosphere. I’m almost sad that I won’t be going there every week, especially as after the last hymn the organist struck up with something reminiscent of Blackpool and its famous waltzer!

The second church was just as friendly, no pretence or fuss, just ordinary folk being counter cultural giving up their Sunday morning to enliven the spirit and worship.

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~







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