Back to College

We, that is the Deacons in Wales who were ordained this year, are back in college for a few days.

It is certainly strange being back, I did not envisage missing much, yet the nostalgia attached to being here is certainly quite unsettling. I think it must be the lack of being on show, able to relax, not caring what others think so much. This is especially true in chapel. A few of us realised that we have being giving for the past two months, not taking, as far as the worship is concerned and it is great to do something for yourself.

So if that is the perspective after two months; what will the feelings be like by next year?

Steps must be taken to avoid only giving. There is a solemn mass on Friday for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary organised by the local SCP at Llanfair TH, hopefully that should start to alleviate feelings of self neglect!

I also need to find a way to package a hug and send it through the post…

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~






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