Category: Amelia Farm

  • Farming & Agape

    Cycling through delightful villages on the way to Amelia farm for what was to be one of the last visits I will make this year – never say you won’t return! – was strangely nostalgic for the past year. Although the majority of the time was over the winter, my early morning struggle up the…

  • Heb Gwallt

    It’s gone… Not missing it yet, although I have gone to move my hair a few times only to be met with a furry lump!! Thanks for the tip John, it is really cold round the edges outside, I have a nice warm hat on standby !

  • Hair today…

    Gone on Friday!! I spent yesterday (the parts that I wasn’t roofing a barn or wiring a childrens play area or welding) trying to convince the others at Amelia Farm that they really shouldn’t cut my hair with either the lawnmower, a pair of loppers, or a wood saw. In the end, the photo for…

  • Clean Shaved

    There comes a time in a man’s life when he questions the future of his hair’s existence, (i.e. he is starting to thin) Of course his wife, not having the same problem is overjoyed by the idea of transformation from long haired hippy to bald coot. So started the idea of removing it and getting…

  • Back to the Farm

    So my calf muscles were not big enough… Apparently I did not pass the statutory test of fitness and must return to cycling for one hour each week. Actually, I am just going back to Amelia Trust Farm for a longer placement! It will mean more in the way of cycling and therefore more fitness,…

  • Post farm blues

    Two weeks and some… after finishing at the farm and I still have not written anything of substance on the experience. I guess it is now time. All that comes to me though is what I said on the last day at the morning meeting. Amelia Farm is a healing place, a place of wholeness…

  • Following from the Farm

    Although I have still a week to go on the farm, thoughts are entering my head about the future and what I can do. Or more accurately what I feel I am being sucked into! After many discussions with staff and kids on the farm, it seems that there is a underlying current of understanding…

  • Amelia Farm… Surprised!

    Well the small lad sure surprised me when he asked me what I did I told him, he then asked if I would be starting a place like this (the farm) and if I did could he work on it! Is this subversive spiritual activity? Is this kid off his trolley? Well kind of yes…

  • Amelia Farm and David Cameron

    Need more love, please! These kids love themselves enough without us giving them more! Hoodies are great, and yes I do have a little sympathy with the leader of the conservative (phatth) party especially since the reason most of these kids are like this is not necessarily their own fault, but hoodies are great, instant…

  • Half way at Amelia Farm

    Half way there. Not that I am looking forward to leaving yet!! Had a great conversation with two methodist volunteers yesterday, quite humbling actually, I think the comment was, ‘well, while there are people like you getting accepted for the ministry there is hope for the church yet.’ And… while buggy building the young chap…