Category: Books

  • the end of a week

    Well, it is the end of week one. We were awoken this morning to the sound of the gazebo trying to get in through the french windows, followed closely by Chloe having her finger shut in a door by her delightful sister! Good start to a day off. It has been an interesting week, one…

  • NOT buying it

    If ever there was a book to be read by ordinands about to go on retreat before ordination, it probably shoudn't be this one!! Right about now we really should be buying it … Well this is me. I never did buy into the whole corporate church thing, the 'deacon – servant' and 'priest –…

  • Credo in Deum

    The most simplistic of statements. I would probably want to go on to say, Credo ergo sum… this has been an influence from both Hans Kung – minus his mathematical language which I am at a loss to even fathom the grammatical structure! and an influence of a phrase which cropped up in a lecture…

  • Tradition

    Just read this in the “Resurrection: Myth or Reality?” by John Shelby Spong. Tradition is the living faith of dead people to which we must add our chapter while we have the gift of life. But traditionalism is the dead faith of living people who fear that if any jot or tittle changes, the whole…

  • Chocolat

    There is a lent course called ‘Christ and the Chocolaterie’, having not looked at it I cannot tell if what I thought while watching the film has been said before or not… But anyway, here goes. Chocolat – a beautifully acted and scripted romantic film – but also so overtly religious, how could anything useful…

  • From The Thief of Time

    “Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past.  Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore he said, the only appropriate state…

  • Romanticism

    Cycling slowly along the Taff, river bubbling happily along in no hurry, just like me today. It’s half term, kids out of school, you might think there would be a riot at home, but no, not too bad! Two hours of blissful Christology, and off to the library for a little light reading on myth…

  • non-violence

    This mornings reflection was about non-violence and the work of Pax Christi. The aim of such reflections is, I guess to make us think, listening to the breakfast conversation following this it certainly provided food for thought. But the reference to the beatitudes was mentioned, blessed be the peace makers. A wonderful book by Elias…