Category: Church

  • Epiphany

    It’s still Epiphany – two weeks to go, so why are people in so much of a hurry to take down the seasonal decorations? – I’m holding out for Candlemass…

  • Cynicism Rewarded

    It’s not often that I get free Fairtrade Chocolate (Divine no less)… … and even less so for what I considered a cynical remark – The Church Times Ed. decided it was ‘Worldly Wise’ to suggest that Obama might be ‘Crucified’ as it were a few weeks after his ‘triumphal entry’. For those without the…

  • The Trees stand guard

    This is a poor picture, I only had my phone on me – sorry about that!!  I’ll have to return another day with a proper camera. The impression I get of these trees is one of sentries standing guard over whatever is at their centre, knarled fingers reaching out to catch the curious who might…

  • Small joys

    It is the little things that count! And sometimes there are not many to count, however at the end of a manic morning, the final baptism was a quiet affair, only about 20 people – just how I like them!! It wasn’t that that made it special.  The family were related to people I knew…

  • Land-share

    Ok Church of England, it’s up to you – according to HFW that is, on River Cottage Autumn  all that land going spare, plenty of it could be used for growing vegetables and other culinary delights.  The Diocese of London seems to be in on the act.  I wonder if the church would consider going…

  • Tuesday

    I’ve been a little bemused since Tuesday.  I could have done with two of them, one for what I did do and one for everything that was put on hold because of it.  Not that the content of the CME day with Nigel Biggar on Ethics particularly bad or uninteresting, it was the opposite of…

  • Back to Egypt

    I’m sure most organisations suffer from this syndrome, it’s something which seems to effect everyone from time to time, ‘nothing must change’, ‘it was far better before’, the so called ‘Back to Egypt Brigade’ have been in full force recently.  I caught the beginning of John Bell speaking at Greenbelt and reminded me of this…

  • Greenbelt thoughts

    I’ve been watching ‘Big Night’ this evening, a small yet great film from 1996 where two Italian brothers risk everything to save their business on one night of food. I was led to this film whilst looking at material for a confirmation course, the themes relating to Eucharist are replete and muti-dimensional throughout it, however…

  • The Labyrinth

    Picture of the labyrinth This has been growing now for some weeks, I only got around to photographing it today, I must admit we are feeding quite a few slugs and caterpillars, but it has been used a fair bit. (some of our choir were late into the service because they we walking it!!) The…

  • The Wrong Sandals

    It is an unfortunate day when you rush out to the morning services on your trusty steed with inappropriate footware – in my case the wrong sandals.  I was wearing the old, brown, garden, lazy sunday afternoon sandals with little in the way of sole and relatively no connection to the feet! This would have…