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Category: Church
Clergy Conference
Being driven north at the beginning of this week really did give me the sense of leaving the office, much more so than last weeks diversion to Cardiff. Passing Blackpool tower in the far distance shortly we arrived in what appeared to be the middle of somewhere. Lancaster University, situated about 5 miles outside of…
Well, someone did ask for a picture of me in a collar! Get your own Simpsons avatar at the Simpsons movie site
Roller-coaster …
… of emotion etc. Well one ordination and one Sunday in five services starting with 1984 green book Eucharist and ending with evensong, that’s about enough for one week I feel! We will also be eating chicken curry for a month, due the ambitious over ordering from the butcher after yesterdays festivities! Thanks to those…
still struggling
The Anglican Primates announced yesterday that there should be no more ordinations of gay Bishops and that the blessing of same sex relationships should not happen. How are we to proceed in honesty and integrity with such a pronouncement. The decision buys the Anglican communion time together to discern a way forward. Yet how are…
Why is it that the church moves so slowly. So slowly that the most interesting and inspirational things pass it by in the night. Indeed those people who put their heart and soul into the church being passionate and engaged end up cynical about the whole process simply because nothing seems to change. You think…
I came across this the other day, very profound, especially as now we are well into term, the gloves are coming off!! A true catholic is not one who wears Vestments and hates non-conformists, but who wears Christ and loves All.
Entering my placement church this morning (a different one from last week) I was greeted at the door by a sly grin and half a wink. ‘Saw you reading our noticeboard’ (actually I was locking my bike to it!) ‘Where are you from then?’ ‘St. Mike’s College’ And in the following few minutes was given…
New Placements…
I couldn’t help thinking of theatre in the round while I was sitting in the congregation. Not that I felt like a member of the audience, some would in this situation I’m sure!! The whole thing was not over fussy, yes there was ceremony and ritual, but not for the sake of it. The experience…
Why Reluctant?
A few people have been asking ‘why reluctant?’ I guess it must be time for a few answers!! Because: I don’t actually really enjoy church! I find much more ‘of God’ in the beauty of nature, in a face, a smile, music, sculpture, in a pint of beer in a pub with a good friend.…
Square Peg, Round Hole
Now I think that we must realise that some people like the round hole and no amount of glue and extra peg will make it square…