Category: Green living

  • a bit of a talk…

    “Of course they will expect a bit of a talk…” Those words were echoing through my mind as the first reading from Genesis was being read. Creation, story, unbelief, busses and their god-less messages anything less meaningless!! Inspiration at the last possible moment came whilst drifting away from the reading back to the morning’s breakfast.…

  • Falling in…

    I was sent a link to this place by a good friend, (who always comes up with inspiring and wonderful places actually) I’m not sure there are words to describe this place for me, it resonated with me on so many levels there was not room left to breathe.   I had found that experience…

  • Idealised country living?

    Following writing on Britain from above, and listening to yesterdays Thinking Allowed I have been pondering on the question of vocational living in any one of these places, rural, semi-rural, urban, city etc. There must be a vocational element to living in each of these, I’ve always been drawn to the rural setting, I don’t…

  • experiment without plastic

    Chris Jeavans is trying the nigh on impossible – to live for a month without any ‘new’ plastic. I  must admit it’s had me in a bit of a tangle.  On the one hand it is quite a high minded ethical peak oil aware kind of thing to do – on the other, it seems…

  • Slow Sunday

    Today is slow Sunday, a Resurgence phenomenon. Happily (for those able to go) it coincides with the Resurgence readers weekend – funny that! I’m not one of the lucky ones, instead we are preparing slow food and gearing up to run away to the wilds of the north west (wales.) The literary companion of the…

  • Supper

    In the spirit of freedom food, HFW’s assertion that we should be willing to go through the whole process from beginning to end if we want to eat meat, and the large proportion of animals who die needlessly… … We decided to try a local and very populous animal – the poor roadkill bunny.  It…

  • An odd arrival

    This came in the post this morning. John, if you are reading this, I have your transistor radio spares box.  Sorry but your transistor radio spares must be either all gone or in another box as I have this box and it didn’t contain what it was supposed to.  Actually I was glad it didn’t…

  • How not to beat the rising fuel costs…

    First, ensure your mobile phone is low or empty of cash. Second, travel to a random destination – for instance – to collect the church fairtrade stall goods. Third,  return home by a little known, obscure route, known only to yourself, especially on roads not marked on any map that is not designed for anyone…

  • A weekend of food

    Well it seemed like it anyway! Ironic that we have to travel about 30mins away to go to the farmers market to get meat and eggs which are grown just up the road!! It was worth it though, buffalo sausages, buffalo topside, veg and organic eggs. We got some lovely fresh broad beans, not a…

  • Books for Ordination

    We were offered a book from the Bishop as an ordination present, lovely thought I… As I cast my eye over the books I have yet to read, and those bought waiting in line wondering if they will ever get read, I decided to be brave and select a slightly more modest item of reading…