Category: Green living

  • Planting

    I have been meaning to get around to stop prevaricating about this and post these pictures, however, I’ve been busy digging. We are preparing a ‘church-yard garden’ It’s not ready yet, but some of the plants in the pictures below are now installed in their new home. Hopefully come summer / autumn / spring we…

  • Poor show tesco

    After using Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall’s TV programme during the sermon last week to highlight environment Sunday and sugest what we can do, pointing people towards and A Rocha. I thought I had better follow up my own advice and become a little more active in the campaign process. I came across Hugh’s current project…

  • speachless

    It takes a lot to make me speechless, however the past few weeks have been a bit like that, hence no writing. A few days at St. Mike’s didn’t help either, I needed a few days to get over the few days. I guess it’s just getting a little close to priesting, we now have…

  • High rise

    As we sped from Birmingham towards Gloucester on a strangely round-about route to Cardiff, a solitary high rise block caught my imagination. The High Rise block … … and the calves to match. Food is a crucial commodity, carried to the top, it travels a long way, almost as far as from the shop to…

  • Cycling into next week

    Getting into this cycling thing, I decided that I should really test out the new(ish) bike and take it for a good long run… To St. Beuno’s and back. This was a test run for next week as we are away at the St. Beuno’s centre for three days. It was about 20 miles or…

  • Gardening and the whole God thing

    Gardening in a slow process, one of waiting, watching and feeding. The joy at seeing the first shoots emerge, cleverly engaging the suns potential for their needs is fantastic for the gardener, yet we don’t really do anything except set up the conditions for the seeds to mature into plants. If we forget to water…

  • How many Trees … ?

    Serious question… no, really!! How many trees does it take to create 1000 sheets of paper? And if you want to be really pedantic, 1000 ish recycled paper, 3 sheets of card and one large brown envelope. One side effect of applying for all these grants for our Community Church project is that we end…

  • Bikes

    Unfortunately the governments extra money for promoting cycling probably wont make it to Holywell, (it would have to include lifts for hills anyway!) I doubt it would speed up the return of the battery for the electric bike anyway – it has gone back for repair, already!!

  • It’s arrived…

    The Electric bike is here – it’s got more gadgets and gizmos than Dot’s phone!! – if only that were possible Isn’t it wonderful to connect with people and pick up where you left off?, even after a few years away – of course the good old internet helps – reflecting on an evening meeting…

  • A little ray …

    … of sunshine, (apart from the delightful parishoners comments after Sunday’s morning prayer service!!) Since all it has done today was rain, (and on a funeral day too!!) it was nice to have some good news. The RB in it’s wisdom has felt it appropriate (given the circumstances) to allow a slight change to the…