Cycling into next week

Getting into this cycling thing, I decided that I should really test out the new(ish) bike and take it for a good long run… To St. Beuno’s and back. This was a test run for next week as we are away at the St. Beuno’s centre for three days. It was about 20 miles or so, really worth it! the views are fantastic along the route, really not done any justice by these images. (below) I was slightly concerned by the large hill Moel Maenefa that was listed as being roughly where St. Beuno’s should be, however dissimilar its name to Moel Famau, it still made me double take, fortunately its height was not!

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~






One response to “Cycling into next week”

  1. John Davies Avatar

    Great descent, and no helmet: good to see you living dangerously!

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