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Category: cycling
Cycling ‘n’ CME
I Got the route correct this time!! Cycling as I was to Mold for CME, expecting great things on Mark’s Gospel, (and we got them) Dick France, a former principle of Wycliffe hall, writer etc was really quite engaging, and without all the new fangled toys that often appear at these days!! He was particularly…
I’ve been a little bemused since Tuesday. I could have done with two of them, one for what I did do and one for everything that was put on hold because of it. Not that the content of the CME day with Nigel Biggar on Ethics particularly bad or uninteresting, it was the opposite of…
The Wrong Sandals
It is an unfortunate day when you rush out to the morning services on your trusty steed with inappropriate footware – in my case the wrong sandals. I was wearing the old, brown, garden, lazy sunday afternoon sandals with little in the way of sole and relatively no connection to the feet! This would have…
Cycling into next week
Getting into this cycling thing, I decided that I should really test out the new(ish) bike and take it for a good long run… To St. Beuno’s and back. This was a test run for next week as we are away at the St. Beuno’s centre for three days. It was about 20 miles or…
Unfortunately the governments extra money for promoting cycling probably wont make it to Holywell, (it would have to include lifts for hills anyway!) I doubt it would speed up the return of the battery for the electric bike anyway – it has gone back for repair, already!!
A little ray …
… of sunshine, (apart from the delightful parishoners comments after Sunday’s morning prayer service!!) Since all it has done today was rain, (and on a funeral day too!!) it was nice to have some good news. The RB in it’s wisdom has felt it appropriate (given the circumstances) to allow a slight change to the…
Car Loan
I was rather hoping not to have had such a conversation with the person who runs the car loan scheme, however, the issue of the electric bike is being pursued. Probably the most annoying part of the conversation was ‘well it’s a car loan scheme’ to which I replied, ah, but it is only called…
Provincial Car Loan Scheme
In the spirit of the A Rocha post below, I was wondering whether the car loan scheme might extend to ‘other forms of transport’. You see I have a car, I also have a bike, but the hills are really prohibative around here, notwithstanding the will and amount of effort I am putting in, it…
Walking & Cycling
It is becoming increasingly difficult to get about round here without a car. Now that isn’t because anything is that far away, but because of the hills and the pace of work. There is something to be said for getting about slowly though; I would not have met half the people I did this week…
A Bishop’s visitation shortly after ordination does seem a little over the top, but one cannot choose when they happen!! We actually had a reasonably interesting day walking from Llanasa to St. Asaph with Deanery clergy, the Bishop, Dean and a few others. It was good to see a bit of Wales without a car,…