Category: St Mike’s

  • Peace

    These things never come out as well as they did when they were first articulated. During a session on worship we were discussing ritual action. I remember once being confronted by the thought that if I could not face, let alone share the peace with one of the other congregants, then as the biblical passage…

  • Late again!

    Arrived in chapel at 08.00 this morning, very proud of myself. Shame morning prayer started at 07.45. I was gutted, as one of our tutors was in the middle of a reflection on ministry. Anger at the injustice of the organisation seemed to be the key theme. That and the churches wielding of power in…

  • Welcome!

    Entering my placement church this morning (a different one from last week) I was greeted at the door by a sly grin and half a wink. ‘Saw you reading our noticeboard’ (actually I was locking my bike to it!) ‘Where are you from then?’ ‘St. Mike’s College’ And in the following few minutes was given…

  • Two sided coin??

    Today a few of us were interviewed for the local paper – on how we saw the future of the church. Any ordinands dream really, especially as we were’nt being asked if we would close churches, something positive from the media, well, we hope, the paper hasn’t been published yet. In all the talk of…

  • New Placements…

    I couldn’t help thinking of theatre in the round while I was sitting in the congregation. Not that I felt like a member of the audience, some would in this situation I’m sure!! The whole thing was not over fussy, yes there was ceremony and ritual, but not for the sake of it. The experience…

  • Reading between the lines…

  • Bact to the illusion

    There is a fine line which is the Cardiff Road. It seperates my house from the college, yet in reality, there must be a five mile gulf between the two. The reality of life a home is a far cry from the apparent unreality of college. Although we have only just begun, in fact only…

  • Bibliophile??

    I spent yesterday afternoon in absolute bliss… A local retired Priest was thinning out her collection of books and I accepted the generous offer of helping her out. Of course I now have to clear out my own collection to make way for the new, and perhaps indulge in another hobby, make a new bookshelf!!…

  • Out of the mouths…

    While doing Zen…. I wrote this entry between breath ONE and breath TWO, I organised my diary for the day, decided what to do this afternoon, worked out who I needed to speak to and telephone etc etc etc. Avoiding breakfast: Quality avoidance techniques no. 1: Make a random comment about God walking on water!…

  • Back to Chapel

    Slowly, but surely, term is creeping upon us! I have been going to morning prayer, just to get myself in the ‘mood’ for doing organised religion you understand. I think I have managed about 6 of them, well ok I was late for two so do two halves make a whole? I even had a…