Category: away from the desk

  • Back from Greenbelt

    There is now much to un-pack, dirty clothes and lots of notes on scraps of paper – photo’s will have to wait as I had to use an ordinary camera!! Once the clothes have been washed and the scraps assembled, I might even have something coherent to say. It was good to catch up with…

  • Weather or not!


  • Superlambanana: On Tour

    John has been following the trail of the superlambanana’s around his delightful city, well now one is set for the dizzy heights of Moel Famau – according to yesterday’s Daily Post.  The links between North Wales and the Superlambanana’s are growing, three have seemingly escaped and been seen at the Llangollen festival amongst other places. …

  • A week in the wild west

    Last week really was a wild week, first night in the tent there was a thunder storm I can’t remember a better one! Despite the weather being damp and a bit wild we did explore places once visited regularly – especially ‘Pete’s Eats’, the best cafe in North Wales, the occasionally open bakery in Llanrug…

  • Slow Sunday

    Today is slow Sunday, a Resurgence phenomenon. Happily (for those able to go) it coincides with the Resurgence readers weekend – funny that! I’m not one of the lucky ones, instead we are preparing slow food and gearing up to run away to the wilds of the north west (wales.) The literary companion of the…

  • An odd arrival

    This came in the post this morning. John, if you are reading this, I have your transistor radio spares box.  Sorry but your transistor radio spares must be either all gone or in another box as I have this box and it didn’t contain what it was supposed to.  Actually I was glad it didn’t…

  • speachless

    It takes a lot to make me speechless, however the past few weeks have been a bit like that, hence no writing. A few days at St. Mike’s didn’t help either, I needed a few days to get over the few days. I guess it’s just getting a little close to priesting, we now have…

  • Saturday evening (and night) in concert

    Flicked on the radio this evening while cooking, not expecting much except the usual Saturday evening banter – completely forgetting it was Neil Diamond on Radio 2  evening!! Sublime stuff!! On the red button from 10pm tonight as well.

  • High rise

    As we sped from Birmingham towards Gloucester on a strangely round-about route to Cardiff, a solitary high rise block caught my imagination. The High Rise block … … and the calves to match. Food is a crucial commodity, carried to the top, it travels a long way, almost as far as from the shop to…

  • Cash is spent?

    You may have seen an advert like this, well similar, I reconstructed this one while on the train, wasn’t quick enough with the camera!! Since there was nothing much else to do I started pondering the advertising, obviously offering some alternative to cash, turns out the old switch cards are now these, so basically another…