Category: Church

  • Catalyst

    I will be walking everywhere for a few weeks to make up for the carbon cost of my flying visit to the Catalyst event at Carmarthen at the weekend.  I had been invited to lead a workshop on Iona Worship, which turned into (thankfully) a worship session.  Helped by Craig, Meredith and Louise, the session…

  • Change of Title

    With the events of last Saturday out of the way, a wonderful day, topped completely by presiding on the Sunday – more thoughts on that later… I’m toying with the idea of a change of title.  I remember last year John blogging about reluctance relinquished as I entered the diaconate, however I was still rather…

  • collar

    I’ve wondered before now what the point of the dog-collar is.  I’ve even considered giving it up outside of formal gatherings.  It can be annoying, especially in the street or shopping, of course one should view such occasions as ‘opportunities’ (maybe) it can also be interesting watching people’s attitudes towards you some speak to you…

  • Women – not yet!!

    Oh dear… what is to come of the church! Will the time ever be right for moving forward I wonder?? a sad and sorry day. BBC Website report

  • It’s built …

    The building is up and we have the keys. All we need now is a fine sunny Sunday and a Bishop! This project began in the minds of the parish about five years ago, some of them really didn’t think it would happen – it is a bit of a first, opening a brand new…

  • power, POWER and more P O W E R

    is what it is all about. I fear Rowan’s comments were made on a day when there was little news! I also wonder why so many are jumping up and down, wanting him to resign, of course it is just another stick with which to bash him. I feel ashamed to belong to such a…

  • the joys…

    Oh the joys of children in church. It’s the schools service today, yehay Time to frighten the little darlings with a mouse, and a story or two!! Then I came across this as I was writing something for Midnight… What’s in a story, what’s in a rhyme? Some words or a phrase? Better ask ……

  • Scary thing, phone calls

    I’ve just had a call about a youthworker placement in our parish. Great, exciting, etc. However I had to remark that there really is very little in the parish for young people. Yes we have a Sunday School, and the older kids go to a group in another parish Sunday afternoons, but if I was…

  • Foundations

    Yesterday was a big one in the life of our church, for two reasons, one: the roof can now go on st. Peter’s, and two: the Bishop came to visit… … and lay a stone at the west door of the new church building. You can see the action shot on the diocese website very…

  • Just a little gripe

    You know, I don’t mind if people don’t like my sermon. Actually I would be quite offended if everyone did like it, normally that’s not the point, I’m not going to pander to the congregation’s every want! What I do mind is people who don’t listen, get the wrong end of the stick and beat…