Category: St Mike’s

  • End of term … again!

    Well, the end of term is nigh, one more college Eucharist, one more set of ye olde hymns, oh and one carol service taken largely from Candles and Conifers This morning I had that parents doting dream, the nativity play. Although it was in Welsh (obviously!) I didn’t understand the majority of it, now you…

  • Eucharist

    I was at St Luke’s yesterday morning. It is quite an Anglo-catholic church and so I was part of the altar party being a sub-deacon or something wearing more robes than I ever thought possible! Anyway, that is not the important part. At the distribution of the elements, I was to give out the bread…

  • Beauty in simplicity

    It would be so easy to reflect on the difficulties this week, so I won’t! I remember a poem, It is called, If I had my life over. Although I don’t remember all of it, it speaks of taking more risks, going bare foot earlier, having more actual problems, but less imaginary ones! and picking…

  • Art & Sandwiches

    Firstly Sandwiches, not that the food theme is anything surprising for me, but I had a distinct thought for sandwiches during tonights service… Secondly, Art. In two parts, the first is about a Welsh Sculptor, John Meirion Morris His art is inspirational, and I wrote a reflection on this a few years ago during…

  • Slow

    Why is it that the church moves so slowly. So slowly that the most interesting and inspirational things pass it by in the night. Indeed those people who put their heart and soul into the church being passionate and engaged end up cynical about the whole process simply because nothing seems to change. You think…

  • Handle

    There is a door handle, on the wall, in our lecture room. There is no door attached to it!! So far the comments have been, ‘well at least we’ve got a handle on this lecture’ and ‘if we open that does the lecturer go away?’ and ‘that is one big door’ and ‘we’ve got a…

  • Bag in Tesco’s

    Now this sort of thing doesn’t really annoy me, but for the sake of a little common sense and proper use of language, dear old tesco’s could save a lot of hassle!! On the box for the small plastic bags for fruit and Veg it says: Please select one bag at a time. Now, not…

  • The Cat Next Door

    Our dear neighbour was ill. Very ill in fact… So friends were popping in to feed the cat. All well and good. Except there is more than one cat. Being the philanthropist that she is, she feeds a local Ferrell. Although tame enough to visit houses, ‘Chloe’ the cat will never let you stroke her.…

  • Journeying

    It is a common feature of Christianity, journeying. We go on pilgrimage together, walking alongside one another, helping each other as we go. This Christian way has been with us since forever! The Emmaus road story is about a journey, and fellowship together. What am I getting at? When someone leads worship at which another…

  • Bells

    Bells, bells, bells, no not the whisky! Can’t help reflecting that the useful college bell that tolls at meals and chapel must be very odd for those around the college. We know when to salivate or kneel, (very pavlovian). But for those living around us the bells ringing out every day four or five times…